Modern Baroque Pop 的華麗與沉溺 [濫聽]
年來音樂品味改變,由熱愛 System of a Down 等 Metal 勁旅及 Placebo 等英倫搖滾轉投 CocoRosie、Arcade Fire 及 Patrick Wolf 的懷抱,閒來也聽類近而同樣搞怪精彩的Architecture In Helsink,及至近日愈趨沉迷 Broken Social Scene;他們都有相同的特徵 —— 出演成員多卻沒有固定人數,主力多是一或兩位成團人物,把古典樂器、唱腔或曲風與電音、玩具樂器聲和環境音效 (或其實我用 ambient 一字較好?!) 揉合營造出high-fi 與 low-fi、refined 與粗糙的強烈對比。
粗中帶幼所產生的逆差與衝突正是這類音樂引人入勝的地方。根據 Wikipedia 的定義,這班樂手都歸屬於 Modern Baroque Pop 的門下。
Modern Baroque Pop, characterized by an infusion of orchestral arrangements or classical type composition within an indie or indie pop setting, is also referred to as “chamber pop” or “chamber rock:. This style, with clear indie rock inclinations, uses additional members in the band to create a fuller-bodied, more orchestral sound. Many artists often highlight songs with unique instruments not found in most modern popular music such as the accordion or harpsichord. The writing style of the genre often has a distinct narrative quality to it and often makes references to history, literature, philosophy, and folklore.Wikipedia 亦同時列出相關例子 (節録與友共識的其中 16 隊)
1. Tori Amos
2. Fiona Apple
3. Arcade Fire
4. Badly Drawn Boy
5. Björk
6. Belle & Sebastian
7. Broken Social Scene
8. Kate Bush
9. Camer Obscura
10. Chris Garneau
11. Goldfrapp
12. Feist
13. I’m from Barcelona
14. Kings of Convenience
15. Momus
16. Patrick Wolf
與友談及歸類事宜,均對 Kings of Convenience 竟能列席其中同呼一聲,KOC!不是Chill out 嗎?Chris Garneau 不是不過用鋼琴玩慘情嗎 (偶爾的弦樂風琴伴奏可否不計)?究竟是這 Genre 尚屬年幼因而門檻寛鬆,抑或是我們大驚小怪?
當下與友考究 Modern Baroque 予我們的印象 —— 華麗、豐富而具層次。沒有 orchestra 般的深邃層次不成、歌曲意境單薄不成、沒有 ambient 元素不成、orchestra 不是其歌曲構成的固定元素不成、不像黑洞般使人沉迷與沉溺的更不成(友說,太陽光味的也不成)。是的,巴洛克的華貴大概也包含點點陰沉罷?
我最喜愛的 CocoRosie 看過了,送上同樣喜歡的 (1) Neighborhood # 2 (Laika) - Arcade Fire 跟 (2) Overtrue – Patrick Wolf。現場看他們的表演可是非常非常的感動。