一刀插入心 [垃圾耳]
近些時都在聽 Marilyn Manson,相隔三年推出的新大碟 Eat me, Drink me 前所未有地讓我感動。有別於過往剛陽邪氣的演繹,新曲像受傷被困的野獸一下一下在舐傷。沒有邪惡的召喚或憤怒的呼號,他似在泥沼中掙扎着爬不起來。
網上讀到其前妻 Dita von Teese 跟他離婚的訪問,說 Manson 自開拍 “Phantasmagoria: The Visions of Lewis Carroll” (Lewis Carroll 為 Alice’s Adventures in the Wonderland 的作者) 後因無法抽離角色而陷入 depression,她曾伸出援手卻發現 Manson 本人根本不想接受幫忙;她又說 "I wasn't supportive of his partying or his relationship with another girl. As much as I loved him I wasn't going to be part of that" 並選擇離開。
Manson 的訪問卻表示,Dita 於聖誕前夕離開令他寫出 If I was your Vampire —— 也是由此,他知道自己要寫出另一張大碟。至於 Dita 說他與另一女孩 Evan Rachael Wood (也是啟發出 Heart-shaped glasses 及其 MV 女主角) 的關係則是在兩人分手後才發生的事。
勿論娛樂版消息的真偽,Manson 的歌卻帶有深刻的鬱抑與沉溺。病態的歌詞有他對愛的執迷,雖然,更甚是他本人的自戀。然而無所謂嘩眾取寵的邪惡,Manson 於 Eat me, Drink me中顯露的,是綿軟脆弱的一片心。
If I Was Your Vampire 的無助和傷痛、Putting Holes In Happiness 結他 solo 的沉溺、The Red Carpet Grave 對Dita 離開的心痛與忿怒、They Said That Hell's Not Hot 的自白… 連貫而統一的聲音大大提升了唱片的感染力,而大碟前半曲目的黑配上後段間歇出現的甜美: 如 Heart-Shaped Glasses 裡一如 Lolita 的糖果味與 Evidence 開段如古董音樂盒的前奏,也使之變得更豐富耐聽。
零四年曾在 i-D 讀到他的訪問,曾當記者的他對答非但正常,更富啟發性:"I've come to enjoy the fact that I can't be misunderstood, because I'm an abstract idea that's always transforming. I want everyone to have a different interpretation of my work. If they all saw it as one thing then it would be shit. So when people say, 'Are you tired of being misinterpreted and misunderstood?’ I say no, I'm not. That's the one thing that makes it whole. Art isn't really art until somebody else perceives it. Obviously you create things for yourself, but you are also doing it for the world in some ways; whether to piss 'em off, or to make 'em happy. I do it mostly because I know that other people's work has affected me and made me feel like I'm not alone."
~ Marilyn Manson (abstract from i-D March 2004)
也喜歡他的 watercolor paintings - Harlequin Jack and The Absinthe Bunny:
"This is a rather recent one. When I drink sometimes, the rabbit pulls me
out of the hat. This was actually stained with absinthe. I was drinking as I
was painting and put my brush in the wrong one. It makes a nice stain, so I
figured I didn't want to waste it."
~ Marilyn Manson
Background Music: Eat Me, Drink Me – Marilyn Manson (像幻聽)