
Dolores 的舊酒新瓶 [垃圾耳]

早些月逛唱片店時聽到耳熟的聲音,怎聽都跟 The Cranberries 的 Zombie 同出一轍,店員不忙插嘴道 “這是 Dolores (The Cranberries 主音) 的個人大碟嘛”。

這些年了 Dolores 跟 The Cranberries 已不可分割,曲風或唱腔都叫聽眾勉懷 the good old times。今聽 Dolores 無疑是成熟了許多,哪種曲子都能架輕就熟,可新曲的強烈 Cranberries 影子卻予人懷舊感。

我說的懷舊,非許冠傑重唱自己的半斤八兩重裝出碟,反像女人三十懷想當年少女心事。Dolores 的聲音感染力很強,屬於那種張口便能帶動群眾情緒的歌手,於是聽她絮絮不休的唸,心也如天色一樣灰沉。

(倒我心裡期望 Dolores 能 move on,變得更獨特的)

前週四往西港城看 Kook Island live,iPod loop 到她的 October;不知不覺,夏去秋已來。

October - Dolores O'riordan [Are you listening?]

October, October
The summer is over
I'm going through changes
I see you again

It's so thought provoking
Emotion evoking
I can't turn around
I don't want to pretend

*You stand in my way
With nothing to say
You think you're the world
I'm so lost without you
I'm sorry my friend
This is not the end
I'll do it without you
I'll do it again*

October, October
The summer is over
I'm moving in circles
I'm trying to come in

It's my evolution
The only solution
The torment it's all that
I'm holding within

Repeat **

Don't stand in my way
With nothing to say
And think you're the world
I'm so lost without you
I'm sorry my friend
This is not the end
I'll do it without you
I'll do it again

Pic.: 摘自 Dolores 的個人網頁 http://www.doloresoriordan.ie/
