陰天 [濫讀]
Kubrick 甫進門的書架陳列一眾本地插畫師的小書,琳瑯滿目。當中有她的 IF YOU DON'T WANT TO BE PERFECT, YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE ‘I will love you till you die’ 跟 WE ALL NEED SOMEONE TO KISS US GOODBYE。
b. wing,畢業於英國 Middlesex University,於 2002 展開其裝置藝術及插畫事業。後獲 agnés b 菁萊,2003 年於 agnés b. Librairie Galerie 舉辦首個個人展,並在台北及東京的 agnés b. 作巡迴展覽。
主角 A 在書裡換了一件又一件的衣服,擔演著一個個不同的身份角色;畫旁一句句短短的自白反映出他的自我與詭異的幻想世界。他寫信給愛人,卻不知道那人其實是他自己。
一頁頁翻她的小書、他的故事,看她通過他喃喃夢囈,感覺她是個非常幸運的人 —— 從來只有得到大家寵愛的人才能如此自我。活在自己的世界裡,b. wing 筆下的 A 純真得有點不可思議;他對各種事物的想像與聯想雖然不著邊際,卻有著豐富的層次。本來繽紛的色彩跟目定口呆的小孩都不能引起我的興趣,但看他那漫不經心的說話,卻很扣人心弦。
關於自我 - can you tell me who I am? / mum said it’s terrible to go through life while wishing you were someone else. 關於讓我們抓狂的小事 - I’m very anti-social in a traffic jam. 關於無力感 - If you depressed, I’ll cheer you up, hopefully. / Maybe you have to lose everything and you’ll then realize you still have yourself 關於寂寞 - Phone me more. Please / I’d like to cry now. is that alright with you? / can anyone get me out of here? 關於所愛的人不了解自己 - sometimes, your silence is so loud 幽郁的心情餘音裊裊 - This is dedicated to my goldfish which died from overfeeding when i was seven, and I want to apologise for flushing it down the toilet bowl.
Dear B
Just for your information, I will walk to the Moon and be back if it makes you smile. I will talk to you just so I can hear your voice again. The other day, I heard that it was supposed to be the end of the WORLD this year (!) This made me think to Myself that I don’t want to DIE without you next to me. But the worst thing is, what if we both survived but we were still so FAR APART and didn’t know if the other was alive?
I guess I’d better walk to the Moon fast.
Wave and Smile
Wave and smile
我不知道短短兩本小書有否為她帶來商業上的成功,但她能把各種感受都深刻地呈現出來的功力實在使人折服。我願意把書借給想看的朋友,可是這樣幽郁的小書,我不想當禮物送給誰,只是陰天已夠 depressing 罷?
Background Music: La chanson de Slogan – The Kills