事出偶然 [搞事]
大學上莊,莊房有本 “口水簿”。輪流上莊房過日晨的莊員無聊 / 興起便往口水簿留言,那時的我們無憂天真但快樂。雖然現在已無法記起寫過甚麼無聊事,卻仍記得友莊的 Book of Answers口水簿 (當年日玩夜玩!)
時至今日經過 PageOne 依然會忍不住手玩玩 Book of Answers。不是真的求答案或 desperate 至要求神拜佛的境地,純粹喜歡 random surprise 的趣味。[今午正考慮是否給吾友買 “生日套裝”,翻開 Book of Answers 竟得到 “save your energy” 的答案 (!) 嘿]
How to use Book of Answers
1. Hold the CLOSED book in your hand, on your lap, or on a table.
2. Take 10 or 15 seconds to CONCENTRATE on your question. Questions should be phrased CLOSED-END. E.g. ‘Is the job I’m applying for the right one” or “Should I travel this weekend?”
3. While visualizing or speaking your question (one question at a time), place ONE HAND palm down on the book’s front cover and STROKE THE EDGE of the pages, back to the front.
4. When you SENSE the time is right, OPEN the book and there will be your answer.
5. REPEAT the process for as many questions as you have.
耐性不足如我,當然從來沒有仔細閱讀書背的使用守則 —— 原來咁複雜! 現實也許不全是偶然,有人甚至說該是各自努力的修成;我卻願意把生活裡的偶發及偶然性看作由謬誤帶來的機遇與樂子,太努力或太認真單是想都覺得累,何不輕輕鬆鬆找點讓人歡快的小事來逗自己高興?
Fortune Cookie 跟 iPod shuffle 以外,Book of Answers 也是我非常喜歡的隨機玩意 [尤其 hard cover 的版本! 可惜已找不到線裝本 hard cover 的那種]。
Background Music: 04 - Moving Pictures – The Cribs
2 則留言:
prolly haha
I love my Book of Answers though ;)